Reminder – this Wednesday, December 16th, will be the quarterly Newtown Creek Community Advisory Group (CAG) meeting.
Newtown Creek Superfund CAG Meeting.
Wednesday December 16, 2015. 630-830pm.
McCarren Play Center Community Room (776 Lorimer St)
The EPA will be on hand to address the following topics:
- Ecological Risk Assessment
- Chuck Nace, EPA Ecological Risk assessor
- Human Health Risk Assessment
- Michael Sivak, Acting Special Projects Branch Chief & Human Health Risk Assessor
- Background Data Summary
- Caroline Kwan, Remedial Project Manager
In addition to the presentations, there will be question & answer time.
Also, the CAG will also have our own agenda items:
- Follow up discussion to the Newtown Creek visioning process which started in Feb 2015
- Membership* & Steering Committee updates
CAG meetings are open to the public. You do not have to be a member of the CAG to attend.
*Membership – CAG membership is open to any & all Creek stakeholders (However, membership is not open to those who are not potentially liable for pollution, agents of those possibly liable, and politicians and their staff)
If you are interested in joining the Newtown Creek CAG, follow these three steps:
- Join the “email list” — We do not actually have an email list. Sign up to follow the Newtown Creek CAG blog by typing your email address into the “follow us by email” section of the left column on this website. Check your email spam filter if you do not receive a confirmation message. You will recieve all posts on this blog in email form. We use this blog to house information, update the community, and announce meetings & events.
- Attend the next CAG meeting — You have to attend a meeting in order to request to join. Meetings are announced via this blog.
- Contact the CAG membership chairs. For Brooklyn: Ryan Kuonen at [email protected]. For Queens: Debra Mesloh at [email protected].