CAG Meeting Materials

Below are agendas, summaries, and supplementary materials for past CAG meetings.

Meeting DateTopicsMaterialsNotesRecording
2024-08-21CAG Meeting Summary
  • CAG Meeting Summary 0821
  • 2024-07-17East Branch Early Action data overview
  • East Branch Early Action Data Overview - Stephanie Vaughn and Rupika Ketu (US EPA Region 2
    2024-06-18East Branch Early Action remedial alternatives (continued)
  • East Branch Early Action, Overview of remedial alternatives evaluated in the draft Focused Feasibility Study and Data Review - Stephanie Vaughn (US EPA Region 2)
    2024-05-24East Branch Early Action remedial alternatives
  • East Branch Early Action, Overview of remedial alternatives evaluated in the draft Focused Feasibility Study - Stephanie Vaughn (US EPA Region 2)
    2024-04-17East Branch Early Action Focused Feasibility Study overview, OU2 monitoring program
  • East Branch Early Action Focused Feasibility Study process overview and update - Stephanie Vaughn (US EPA Region 2)

  • Newtown Creek OU2 sampling program - Chitra Prabhu (HDR, Inc./NYC DEP)
    2024-03-28Natural Resource Damages Assessment, Superfund site boundaries, US ACE Commercial Navigation Study
  • Newtown Creek Superfund RI/FS project flow chart - Newtown Creek Group/Anchor QEA

  • Newtown Creek Key Acronym List - Sandy Li (Newtown Creek Alliance)

  • Newtown Creek Draft Assessment Plan - Reyhan Mehran (NOAA) and Jared Reed (NYS DEC)

  • Letter to CAG Steering Committee re boundaries of the Superfund site - Andrea Leshak (US EPA Region 2)
    2024-02-21USACE Navigation Study, NYC DEP proposed modifications to LTCP
  • Schedule Update - Caroline Kwan (US EPA Region 2)

  • Update on Newtown Creek Navigation Study - Willis Elkins (CAG Co-Chair)

  • Proposed modifications to Newtown Creek Long Term Control Plan - Keith Mahoney (NYC DEP)
    2024-01-17East Branch FFS process, bioavailable zone
  • Schedule Update - Rupika Ketu (US EPA Region 2)

  • Update on CAG-requested documents - Rupika Ketu (US EPA Region 2)

  • East Branch Early Action schedule and comment resolution process - Stephanie Vaughn (US EPA Region 2)

  • Response to CAG question on bioavailable zone - Abby DeBofsky & Chuck Nace (US EPA Region 2)

  • Newtown Creek Commercial Navigation Analysis - US Army Corps of Engineers New York District
    2023-12-20National Grid salt water pump house permit
  • Saltwater Pump House Storm Hardening Project - John Wolf (National Grid)
    2023-11-15OU1 Chemical Fate & Transport model, Responses to CSTAG's comments on East Branch Early Action, OU1 Framework
  • Schedule Update - Rupika Ketu (US EPA Region 2)

  • OU1 Chemical Fate and Transport model status - Rooni Mathew (CDM Smith)

  • Responses to CSTAG comments on East Branch Early Action and OU1 Framework - Stephanie Vaughn(US EPA Region 2)

    2023-10-19East branch seeps, NYC DEP comments on East Branch early action
  • Schedule Update - Rupika Ketu (US EPA Region 2)

  • Quantitative evaluation of NAPL seeps discharging into East Branch - David Haury (Anchor QEA)

  • Comments on East Branch early action (without videos)- Ron Weissbard (NYC DEP)

    2023-09-27PRG approach, East Branch alternatives, response to CAG letter on transparency
  • Schedule update - Rupika Ketu (US EPA Region 2)

  • Derivation of Preliminary Remediation Goals - Charles Nace & Abby DeBofsky (US EPA Region 2)
    2023-07-26Review of CSTAG meeting, NYSDEC Upland Study, NCG/Anchor QEA presentation on capping technologies
  • Newtown Creek Upland Study - Michael Haggerty (NYSDEC)
  • Capping to remediate contaminated sites - David Haury and Kevin Russell (Anchor QEA)
    2023-06-20Briefing ahead of CSTAG meeting on East Branch Early Action
  • East Branch Early Action pre-CSTAG briefing - Mark Schmidt (US EPA Region 2)
    2023-06-02Steering Committee meeting to discuss risk-based preliminary remediation goals
  • Table outlining risk-based preliminary remediation goals for the Newtown Creek Superfund site
  • Presentation on Newtown Creek risk-based PRGs - Charles Nace (US EPA Region 2)
    2023-05-17Brief overview of 6-month schedule, OU1 RAOs and background approach, East Branch early action Update
  • 6-month schedule, OU1 RAOS and background approach, and East Branch early action update - Rupika Ketu & Stephanie Vaughn (US EPA Region 2)
    2023-04-19OU1 RI/FS field programs update, East Branch Early Action focused feasibility study update
  • Supplemental data collection to support OU1 Feasibility Study - David Haury & Amanda Shellenberger (Anchor QEA, LLC)
    2023-03-15Brief overview of 6 month schedule, OU2 monitoring program, lateral groundwater study
  • Draft six month schedule (updated March 2023) - Mark Schmidt (US EPA Region 2)
  • Newtown Creek OU2 sampling program - Chitra Prabhu (HDR Inc.)
  • Newtown Creek OU1 lateral groundwater investigation: progress update - Joseph Button (CDM Smith)
    2023-02-15Update on East Branch early action & OU1 cleanup schedule, NY & NJ HATS comment letter, barges, CAG process & housekeeping
  • Draft five year schedule – Mark Schmidt (US EPA Region 2)
  • Draft six month schedule – Mark Schmidt (US EPA Region 2)
  • Draft CAG comments on USACE Harbor and Tributaries Study (2/15/2023) – Nick Russell & Sarah Durand
    2023-01-18Brief update on the cleanup and master schedule, NY & NJ HATS study comments, CAG process & housekeeping
  • East Branch Early Action Update – Mark Schmidt (US EPA Region 2)
  • NY/NJ HATS briefing to Brooklyn Community Board 1 Environmental Protection Committee (abridged) – US ACE / Steve Chesler (BK1)
    2022-11-16Update on cleanup schedule, East Branch early action overview, Discussion on US ACE HATS
  • Operable Unit 1 updates and East Branch early action overview – Stephanie Vaughn & Mark Schmidt (US EPA Region 2)
  • Administrative settlement agreement & order on consent for post-ROD monitoring (Operable Unit 2) – US EPA Region 2 & City of New York
    2022-10-19NY & NJ HATS study, discussion with EPA Region 2 Administrator
  • NY-NJ Harbor and Tributaries Coastal Storm Risk Management Study – Bryce Wisemiller, US Army Corps of Engineers New York District
    2022-09-21Overview of Superfund timeline, climate change and the Conceptual Site Model
  • CAG-requested updates (estimated cleanup timeline & climate change) – Rupika Ketu & Stephanie Vaughn, US EPA
  • Climate Resilience Technical Fact Sheet: Contaminated Sediment Sites – US EPA Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation
    2022-7-20NCG response to question from the Trustees, US EPA review of navigation, authorized depths, and Superfund, presentation on future uses and community engagement, and feasibility study updates
  • Newtown Creek fish advisory sign locations – Caroline Kwan, US EPA
  • Fish consumption signage – Caroline Kwan, US EPA
  • Shallow lateral groundwater study staging location video – Caroline Kwan, US EPA
  • CAG Meeting Summary – July 20, 2022
    2022-5-18Steering Committee considerations regarding US ACE Commercial Navigation Study, Trustees update, US EPA & NYS DEC updates
  • Newtown Creek Superfund Site and an Introduction to NRDA – Mark Barash, Esq., Office of the Solicitor, US DOI
  • Newtown Creek Upland Site Characterization Part I – Michael Haggerty, NYS DEC
  • CAG Meeting Summary – May 18, 2022
    2022-4-20US ACE presentation on navigational depths and Newtown Creek, US EPA feasibility study update, LIRR update on 29th Street bulkhead, NYS DEC update on on-going investigations of seeps & sampling
  • Newtown Creek Commercial Navigation Analysis – Lisa Baron, Project Manager, US Army Corps of Engineers New York District
  • Newtown Creek OU1 Lateral Groundwater Investigation – Technical Approach
  • Final Technical Approach Plan – Newtown Creek, OU1, Supplemental Characterization of Shallow Groundwater Discharge
  • “Opinion of Dedication for 29th Street,” November 14, 1991 – NYC Law Department (shared by Long Island Railroad)
  • CAG Meeting Summary – April 20, 2022
    2022-3-16Review of CAG process, NYS DEC review of 29th Street bulkhead situation, US EPA feasibility study update
  • Shoreline Stabilization – Regulatory Authority & Agency Coordination
  • CAG Meeting Summary – March 16, 2022
    2022-2-16Review of CAG process, CAG overview of bulkhead collapse at 29th Street, US EPA site update and likely feasibility study activities for 2022
  • Newtown Creek FS Activities for 2022
  • CAG Meeting Summary – February 16, 2022
    2021-11-17EPA update on the Feasibility Study process activities and Remedial Investigation process clarifications, EPA/CDM Smith summary of existing NAPL-related studies
  • Table summarizing NAPL-related studies and data collection to date
  • Figures showing NAPL testing as part of RI/FS and NYC DEP investigations
  • CAG Meeting Summary – November 17, 2021
    2021-10-20Trustees update, NYS DEC update on completion of field work in the Creek, US EPA updates on FS process, follow-up discussion on NAPL from response to OU1 RI comments, NYC DOT update on Grand Street Bridge Repair ProjectCAG Meeting Summary – October 20, 2021
    2021-9-15US EPA Review of OU1 Remedial Investigation Response to Comments and General Updates
  • RI Report – EPA Responses to CAG Comments
  • CAG Meeting Summary – September 15, 2021
    2021-7-21NYS DEC update on upland sites, US EPA update on the status of OU3 and general updates
  • Update on the Status of OU3
  • CAG Meeting Summary – July 21, 2021
    2021-6-22National Grid presentation on saltwater pump house storm hardening projectCAG Meeting Summary – June 22, 2021
    2021-6-16National Grid saltwater pump house storm hardening project primer, EPA general updates and updates on transition to the Feasibility Study, NCG update on the treatability studyCAG Meeting Summary – June 16, 2021
    2021-5-19EPA OU2 Record of Decision Responsiveness Summary review and updates on transition from RI to FS
  • CAG Remedial Investigation Review Comments (May 2021)
  • CAG Meeting Summary – May 19, 2021
    2021-4-21US EPA Brief on the OU2 (Superfund review of the NYDEP Long-term Control Plan), Transitioning from a RI to a FS, OU1 Remedial Investigation Draft Final Comments (CAG only), Brief Items/Next StepsCAG Meeting Summary – April 21, 2021
    2021-3-17US EPA Updates on OU2 and OU3, National Grid Air Permit Application and Relevance to the Superfund Site, OU1 Remedial Investigation Draft Comments (CAG only), Brief Items/Next StepsCAG Meeting Summary – March 17, 2021
    2021-1-28CAG Review of 2020, Brief Agency Updates, OU1 Remedial Investigation Brief Primer, OU1 Presentation and Panel Discussion, Brief Items/Next Steps
  • EPA OU3 FFS Comments
  • CAG Meeting Summary – January 28, 2021
  • CSTAG Newtown OU3 Final Recommendations

  • R2 Responses to 082020 CSTAG Recommendations [OU3]
  • 2020-11
  • Role of Risk Assessment and Newtown HHRA Summary – Chuck Nace, Chief – Technical Support Section, USEPA Region 2

  • Supplemental Characterization of Shallow Lateral Groundwater Discharge – Robert Schreiber, Vice President, CDM Smith Inc.
  • U.S. Geological Survey: Seepage Measured at 17 Locations in Newtown Creek, New York (2015) – Donald Rosenberry, U.S. Geological Survey
  • U.S. Geological Survey: Seepage Measured During May and June 2017 at 18 Locations in Newtown Creek, New York (2017) – Donald Rosenberry, U.S. Geological Survey
  • USGS Staff Profile Page: Donald Rosenberry
  • 2020-10-21Long Term Control Plan (LTCP), Feasibility Study Briefing, Next Steps
  • Overview of the Feasibility Study Process (FS 101), Stephanie Vaughn, U.S. EPA Region 2
  • CAG Meeting Summary – October 21 2020
    2020-9-16Brief Updates on OU1, OU2 and OU3 and Agenda Planning, CAG Reflections
  • Contaminated Sediment Technical Advisory Group (CSTAG) recommendations regarding Operable Unit 3 (OU3) of the Newtown Creek Superfund site
  • CAG Meeting Summary – September 16, 2020
    2020-7-15Brief Site Updates; Navigation, Dredging, & Superfund; DEC Annual Update on Upland Sites; NCG CSTAG Response; Other Items, Next Steps & Next CAG Meeting Reminder
  • Navigation, Dredging and Superfund – Lisa Baron, Project Manager, USACE- New York District
  • Click here for USAGE presentation recording.
  • DEC Annual Update on Upland Sites – Ian Beilby, Chief, Division of Environmental Remediation, NY DEC

  • Click here for NY DEC presentation recording.
  • CAG Meeting Summary – July 15, 2020
    2020-6-10De Minimis Settlement Overview
  • De Minimis Presentation (updated) – Michael Mintzer, USEPA Office Regional Counsel
  • CAG Meeting Summary – June 10, 2020
  • CAG Presentation for the CSTAG (4/29/20) – Willis Elkins, CAG Co-Chair
  • DRAFT Informal Notes Document – UNOFFICIAL RECORD (all errors and/or omissions are solely those of CBI) – CBI, CAG Facilitation Team
  • OU3 Focused Feasibility for the potential interim early action in the lower two miles of the Creek – USEPA, Region 2
  • 2020-2-19Brief Site Updates; 2020 CAG Work Planning; Presentation of Draft Community Information Slide Deck; CAG Comments on Long-Term Control Plan for combined sewer overflows in the Creek; New business, future agenda items, meeting reflections
  • CAG comments on EPA proposed plan for OU2 (regarding the long-term control plan for combined sewer overflows into the Creek).
  • CAG Meeting Summary – February 19, 2020
    2019-12-2Early Action Proposed by Newtown Creek Group; FFS process and evaluation; CAG review of focused feasibility study report on long-term control plan for combined sewer overflows in the Creek
  • Newtown Creek Group proposed early action briefing
  • CAG discussion of OU2 Focused Feasibility Study
  • CAG Meeting Summary – December 2, 2019
    2019-10-30Remedial investigation update; updated on proposed Early Action; Cases of Early Action uses at other sites
  • Overview: examples of early interim actions – USEPA, Region 2
  • Remedial investigation update – USEPA, Region 2
  • CAG Meeting Summary – October 30, 2019
    2019-6-19Update on Potentially Responsible Parties; data regarding aeration in the Creek; Site work update and overview of OU3: Proposed Early Action
  • Update on Potentially Responsible Party Search and Identification – USEPA, Region 2
  • Data Regarding Aeration in Newtown Creek – USEPA, Region 2
  • Site Status and Early Action Proposal Overview – USEPA, Region 2
  • Draft Remedial Investigation Executive Summary.
  • CAG Meeting Summary – June 19, 2019
    2019-5-15Use of multiple lines of evidence and modeling; NYSDEC uplands update
  • Multiple Lines of Evidence and Modeling – what do these terms mean and how are they used? – Environmental Protection Agency, Region 2
  • Newtown Creek Uplands Update to the NPL Site Community Advisory Group – New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
  • CAG Meeting Summary – May 15, 2019
    2019-3-20Technical meeting: Modeling overview
  • Newtown Creek Superfund Site Modeling Overview for Technical CAG Meeting – Environmental Protection Agency, Region 2
  • CAG Meeting Summary – March 20, 2019
    2019-2-20Long Term Control Plan update, summary of Baseline Ecological Risk Assessment
  • Newtown Creek Superfund Site Modeling Overview for Technical CAG Meeting – Environmental Protection Agency, Region 2
  • Consensus Building Institute (CBI) – CAG Technical Committee – November
    – Newtown Creek Nov CAG Presentation BERA Summary: Chuck Nace (EPA)
  • 2018-9
  • Consensus Building Institute (CBI) – September
    – CAG Process Review: Pat Field
  • Consensus Building Institute (CBI) – CAG Technical Committee – September
    – CAG letter to EPA on the BERA: Willis Elkins
  • 2018-7-24Biota sampling conducted by EPA, Contaminated Sediments Technical Advisory Group recommendations
  • Biota Sampling - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 2
  • CSTAG Recommendations & Progress - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 2
  • CAG Meeting Summary – July 24, 2018
    2018-6-19Superfund Enhancement Act, completed and upcoming site field activities, introduction of neutral facilitator
  • Introduction of and Discussion with CBI: Consensus Building Institute
  • CAG Meeting Summary – June 19, 2018
    2018-3-20Potentially Responsible Party (PRP) Search and Identification and Updates from NYC DEP, Anchor QEA and Congresswoman Velázquez’s Office
  • PRP Search and Identification: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 2
  • Superfund Enhancement Act Overview and Q&A - Congresswoman Velázquez’s Office
  • CAG Meeting Summary – March 20, 2018
    2018-2-20Identifying neutral facilitator for CAG meetings, sediment contamination data
  • Sediment Contamination Data Overview: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 2
  • CAG Meeting Summary – February 20, 2018
    2017-10-11Riverkeeper’s Newtown Creek Community Visioning, Draft Remedial Investigation Report, data evaluation for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
  • Newtown Creek Remedial Investigation Draft Report Update - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 2
  • CAG Meeting Summary – October 11, 2017
    2017-7-25Update from NYC DEP on Newtown Creek CSO Long-Term Control Plan and Riverkeeper Community Visioning Project
  • Newtown Creek Community Vision Plan
  • Newtown Creek Combined Sewer Overflow Long Term Control Plan Update
  • Newtown Creek Combined Sewer Overflow Long Term Control Plan Update - NYC Department of Environmental Protection
  • CAG Meeting Summary – July 25, 2017
    2017-4-5Draft Remedial Investigation Report and early steps of Feasibility Study, Newtown Creek Community Vision, economic development analysis, EPA updates
  • Impacts of New York City’s Waterways - NYC Economic Development Corporation
  • CAG Meeting Summary – April 5, 2017
    2017-2-1Amendments to CAG membership rules, updates from EPA, NYC DEP, and Newtown Creek GroupCAG Meeting Summary – February 1, 2017
    2016-10-20Update by NYC DEP and presentation and discussion with US EPA on point sources of contamination
  • Newtown Creek Superfund Site - EPA Presentation
  • CAG Meeting Summary – October 20, 2016
    2016-5-4Update from Anchor QEA and New York State Department of Health presentation on Health Outcomes Review for Newtown Creek
  • Health Outcomes Review - NYS DOH Presentation
  • CAG Meeting Summary – May 4, 2016
    2016-3-22Update from Regional Administrator Judith Enck and EPA site team on the Newtown Creek Superfund Site
  • Point Sources - EPA Presentation
  • Point Sources Categories - EPA Presentation
  • CAG Meeting Summary – March 22, 2016
    2015-12-16Presentation and discussion with US EPA on ecological and health risk assessments and an explanation on background sites
  • Site Background Data - EPA Presentation
  • Risk Assessment Data - EPA Presentation
  • CAG Meeting Summary – December 16, 2015
    2014-10-1Presentation and discussion with US EPA: an overview of Phase I of the remedial investigation and a discussion of Phase II’s Objective, Schedule, Activities, Next Steps.
  • Phase I results and Phase II sampling plan - EPA Update
  • Newtown Creek Boat Tour
  • CAG Meeting Summary – October 1, 2014
    2014-5-21Presentation and discussion with NYS Department of Health about the final Newtown Creek Public Health Assessment, the health outcomes review, and NYS DOH’s work to educate the public about fish consumption advisories in the creek.
  • Newtown Creek Public Health Assessment - NYS DOH Presentation
  • Healthy Choices About Eating Fish You Catch - NYS DOH Presentation
  • CAG Meeting Summary – May 21, 2014
    2014-2-6Presentation and discussion with NYC Department of Environmental Protection about their role in the Newtown Creek Superfund site.
  • City’s Role in Newtown Creek Superfund Site Study - NYC DEP
  • NYC Green Infrastructure Program, Newtown Creek - NYC DEP
  • NYC CSO Flow Monitoring Project, Newtown Creek - NYC DEP
  • Restoration Ecology, Newtown Creek - NYC DEP
  • CAG Meeting Summary – February 6, 2014
    2013-11-21Presentation and discussion with US EPA about the Phase I investigation.
  • Overview of Phase I Investigation - EPA Presentation
  • CAG Meeting Summary – November 21, 2013
    2013-10-23Meeting to discuss the CAG’s goals and priorities.CAG Meeting Summary – October 23, 2013
    2013-7-24Presentation and discussion with US EPA about Ecological Risk Assessment.
  • Ecological Risk Assessment for Superfund
  • CAG Meeting Summary – July 24, 2013
    2013-5-8Presentation and discussion with US EPA about Human Health Risk Assessment.
  • Human Health Risk Assessment - EPA Presentation
  • CAG Meeting Summary – May 8, 2013
    2013-3-27Presentation and discussion with NYC DEP and US EPA on navigational dredging in Whale Creek, Superfund updates, and other topics.
  • Dredging in Whale Creek - NYC DEP
  • RI/FS informational handout - EPA Handout
  • CAG Meeting Summary – March 27, 2013
    2012-10-10Presentation and discussion with US EPA on the sampling and field work conducted during summer 2012CAG Meeting Summary – October 10, 2012
    2012-7-17Presentation and discussion with NYS Department of Health, featuring the scope and timeline for a public health study for the Newtown Creek area
  • Health Outcomes Review - NYS DOH Presentation
  • CAG Meeting Summary – July 17, 2012
    2012-5-21An introductory presentation and discussion with US EPA on the Superfund work
  • A Superfund Discussion - EPA Presentation
  • CAG Meeting Summary – May 21, 2012
    2012-2-13Formation continued, creation of list of information requests by CAG membersCAG Meeting Summary – February 13, 2012
    2012-1-19Formation meetingCAG Meeting Summary – January 19, 2012
    2011-10Herrick Presentation - New York City Superfund Sites: What Businesses Can Do To Mitigate Impacts EPA Presentation -Sampling of Newtown Creek
    2011-6EPA Presentation – CERCLA
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