There will be a Virtual Newtown Creek Community Advisory Group (CAG) meeting tomorrow, Wednesday, April 15, 2020 from 6:30 to 8:30 PM online. Tomorrow night’s agenda is posted below this message. For the details to join the meeting, please click here.
As mentioned, we will be using the videoconferencing platform Zoom. If this is your first time using Zoom, you will be prompted to download a small application file. Learn how to join any Zoom meeting (video tutorial included).
Since our last communication, for added security we will be using Zoom’s Webinar feature. If you are familiar with Zoom, the Webinar may look and feel a little bit different than your usual Meetings. Upon joining the call, please anticipate that your ability to speak and turn on your camera will be limited. These are settings that we have enabled for the protection of our meeting and we will adjust accordingly. We will be managing these controls accordingly as you join.
A few things that will optimize your participation during tomorrow’s meeting:
- Please try to join a few minutes before 6:30pm if you are able. This will help us orient you into the Webinar and update your participation status appropriately.
- If accessible to you, please join using a computer. This is especially important if you are a CAG member. With a Zoom Webinar format, if you are calling in you will only be able to listen to the conversation, you will not be able to participate actively (and we cannot adjust your participation status when you join).
- Fifteen minutes into the meeting we will be locking the webinar. This means that even if you have all the relevant information, you will not be able to join. During our introduction, we will provide you with instructions on what to do if you need to regain access once the meeting has been locked.
Again, we will go over all features of the Webinar format and how you will be able to participate at the beginning of the meeting.
If you would like to orient yourself to what it is like to be on a Zoom Webinar, learn about joining and participating in a webinar as an attendee here. Note: all Webinar functions are customizable by account so ours might not look exactly as described in this article.
If you have any questions about getting started with Zoom, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Sofia Soto Reyes, [email protected].
The meeting agenda is posted again below. The Zoom join information can be found by clicking here.
6:30 Welcome
6:35 Brief Introduction to Zoom and the Site
- Facilitator
6:45 2020 Work Plan
- Facilitator reviews the work plan for 2020 for final comments and questions
6:50 OU3 Focused Feasibility for the potential interim early action in the lower two miles of the Creek
- EPA presentation on the process and Overview of the FFS alternatives
- Questions to EPA from the CAG
7:15 CAG Formulation of Comments for the CSTAG
- Summary of issues raised to date by the CAG – Co-Char Willis Elkins
- CAG discussion about key points to make to the CSTAG later in April (CAG will be presented by its co-chair there Willis Elkins)
8:15 Other Items, Next Steps, Reminder of Next Virtual CAG Meeting
8:30 Adjourn