There will be a special Newtown Creek Community Advisory Group (CAG) meeting on Wednesday, December 20, 2023, from 6:30 to 7:30 PM.
This upcoming meeting is a special meeting of the CAG. It is regarding a permit application for a site (National Grid) adjacent to but not part of the Superfund site (the Creek itself) (see permit details below). National Grid has agreed to hold this special meeting with the CAG, focused on Brooklyn and Queens residents on or near the Creek, given on-going interest of the CAG in the upland sites. The presentation will be focused on the permit application. Please see a short description at the end of this email. Please note that the comment period has been extended to December 22, 2023.
There will be an option to meet in-person at meeting will take place at Newtown Creek Alliance’s office at 520 Kingsland Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11222.
There will also be the option to join virtually via Zoom. If you plan to join virtually, we ask you to register in advance for this meeting. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
We will be using the videoconferencing platform Zoom. If this is your first time using Zoom, you will be prompted to download a small application file. Learn how to join any Zoom meeting here.
If you are joining virtually, please try to join a few minutes before 6:30 PM. This will help us orient you into the meeting and provide time for you test your camera and sound.
Again, we will go over all Zoom features and how you will participate at the beginning of the meeting.
The meeting will also be recorded for those who cannot attend.
Once again, please find the link to register here:
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Aarati Halbe, [email protected].
6:25 Gather, sign-on & tech check
6:30 Welcome
- CAG Co-Chair
6:35 Presentation on the Permit Application
- National Grid Representatives
- CAG questions & discussion
7:25 Next steps and upcoming meetings
Future agenda items:
- January Potluck and Meeting, 6:00 PM Start Time, January 17
7:30 Adjourn
Application ID:
Permit(s) Applied for:
Article 15 Title 5 Excavation & Fill in Navigable Waters
Article 25 Tidal Wetlands
Project Description:
The applicant proposes to construct a replacement fire suppression saltwater pump house (SWPH) at 287 Maspeth Avenue in Brooklyn. The applicant’s stated purpose for the replacement is to storm harden and protect critical infrastructure for fire suppression at their existing facility in accordance with Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) and New York City (NYC) Building Code flood construction guidelines. The new SWPH (approximately 98 foot wide by 67 foot long) is to be constructed directly northwest of the existing pump house on an existing pile-supported dock and pier system. Subsequent to construction of the new SWPH, the existing SWPH (approximately 40-foot-wide by 80-foot-long) will be demolished and removed. In addition, the existing open-top intake structure will be covered in place with steel plates. The new SWPH will consist of an intake structure (approximately 27-foot-long by 24-foot-wide) that meets National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards for fire protection and includes four (4) pre-cast concrete bays, five (5) intake pumps, and a double set of intake screens at the seaward side of the four (4) bays. The project includes installation of approximately twelve (12) 18-inch diameter steel piles to support the intake structure and installation of eighty (80) 16-inch diameter and two (2) 18-inch diameter steel piles to support the pump house building. Additional regulated work activities within NYSDEC’s jurisdiction include construction of an intake scour pad (~1,101 square feet) and associated rip rap and maintenance of the existing dock and pier system. To facilitate installation of the intake structure an existing section of the existing timber pier decking will be removed. The project includes minor dredging and excavation of sediment to facilitate construction of the new intake structure, scour pad, and associated piles. The applicant proposes to purchase credits from the Saw Mill Creek Mitigation Bank as mitigation for the 382 cubic yards of unavoidable wetland impacts associated with the proposed project.
State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) Determination:
Project is not subject to SEQR because it is a Type II action.
SEQR Lead Agency: None Designated
State Historic Preservation Act (SHPA) Determination:
Evaluation using a Structural-Archaeological Assessment Form or other information has concluded that the proposed activity will not impact registered, eligible or inventoried archaeological sites or historic structures.
Coastal Management:
This project is located in a Coastal Management area and is subject to the Waterfront Revitalization and Coastal Resources Act.
Opportunity for Public Comment:
Comments on this project must be submitted in writing to the Contact Person no later than Dec 07, 2023.
Caitlyn P Nichols
NYSDEC Region 2 Headquarters
47-40 21st St
Long Island City, NY 11101
[email protected]