CAG-related correspondence

The table below contains key correspondence related to the CAG from over the years.

2024-12-12Congresswoman Velázquez WRDA Press ReleaseCongresswoman Nydia Velázquez Office
2024-03-19Letter CAG Steering Committee re boundaries of the Superfund siteUS EPA Region 2
2024-01-11Letter to US EPA Region 2 re Superfund site boundariesCAG Steering Committee
2023-12-22Comments to NYS DEC regarding National Grid saltwater pump house permit applicationCAG Steering Committee
2023-09-20Response to CAG letter regarding transparency
  • Formal response to CAG letter
  • US EPA Region 2
    2023-08-10NAPL characterization and mobility memorandum
  • Summary of RI/FS NAPL Testing Data
  • Newtown Creek Group
    2023-08-08Letter to EPA regarding transparencyCAG
    2023-03-07Comments to the US Army Corps of Engineers on the draft NY & NJ Harbor and Tributaries Focus Area Feasibility StudyCAG
    2021-08-23Responses to CAG comments on the draft Remedial Investigation reportUS EPA Region 2
    2021-05-11Comments to EPA on the draft Remedial Investigation reportCAG
    2020-04-29Comments to EPA CSTAG on proposed OU3 focused feasibility studyCAG
    2020-02-27Comments to EPA on proposed plan for OU2CAG
    2018-08-22Comments to EPA on the revised draft Baseline Ecological Risk AssessmentCAG
    2016-07-19Letter to NYS DOH on draft Newtown Creek Health Outcomes ReviewCAG Steering Committee
    2015-02-11Letter to NYC DEP on aeration projectNewtown Creek Alliance
    2015-02-06Response to comments and questions on EPA's Phase 2 work planUS EPA Region 2
    2014-12-02Letter to EPA on EPA's Phase 2 work planCAG Steering Committee
    2012-12-06Response to CAG comments on the draft Baseline Ecological Risk AssessmentUS EPA Region 2
    2012-02-16Letter to EPA on combined sewage overflowsNewtown Creek Alliance
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