Save the Date: next CAG meeting February 6

Save the date for the next CAG meeting with NYC Department of Environmental Protection.

When: Thursday, February 6, 6:30 PM
Where: McCarren Play Center community room, 776 Lorimer Street, Brooklyn


  1. City’s Role in the Superfund Process
  2. Green Infrastructure  Initiatives and Plans for Newtown Creek drainage area
  3. Installation of Flow meters on Newtown Creek and other construction plans
  4. Newtown Creek WWTP plans
  5. Ecological Services and environmental restoration
Public Transportation Information:
The McCarren Play Center (a.k.a. McCarren Pool Rec Center) is walking distance from
  • Nassau Ave. G train
  • Bedford and Lorimer L trains

4 thoughts on “Save the Date: next CAG meeting February 6”

  1. Queens Community Board 2, which encompasses much of the north side of the creek, has their monthly board meeting on the first Thursday of every month. Would it be possible to avoid scheduling these meetings for the first Thursday to enable CB 2 board members to attend?

    1. Thank you for your comment. The CAG does try to alternate meeting days (usually Wednesdays and Thursdays) and locations (Brooklyn and Queens) in order to accommodate the many community meetings going on around Newtown Creek. At times – as is the case for the Feb. 6 meeting – the ultimate decision for a meeting date is driven by the availability of the guest speakers. The CAG will keep the Queens CB 2 meeting schedule in mind for the future, and CB 2 board members are welcome to play a role in CAG meeting planning.

  2. Queens Community Board 2, which encompasses much of the north side of the creek, has their monthly board meeting on the first Thursday of every month. Would it be possible to avoid scheduling these meetings for the first Thursday to enable CB 2 board members to attend?

    1. Thank you for your comment. The CAG does try to alternate meeting days (usually Wednesdays and Thursdays) and locations (Brooklyn and Queens) in order to accommodate the many community meetings going on around Newtown Creek. At times – as is the case for the Feb. 6 meeting – the ultimate decision for a meeting date is driven by the availability of the guest speakers. The CAG will keep the Queens CB 2 meeting schedule in mind for the future, and CB 2 board members are welcome to play a role in CAG meeting planning.

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