Purpose of the CAG
The Newtown Creek Community Advisory Group (CAG) is a group of representatives of relevant jurisdictions, community stakeholders, residents, and other institutional stakeholders with a stake in the Newtown Creek Superfund Site, with the goal of ensuring broad, diverse representation from communities with an interest in the Site.
The goals and objectives of the CAG are as follows:
- To provide an open forum for the exchange of ideas, information, and concerns among the communities in and around Newtown Creek and the EPA.
- To develop a thorough and objective understanding of the Site from the standpoint of environmental and health implications, remediation options, and overall community objectives.
- To offer EPA informed, realistic recommendations on short- and longterm actions to be taken regarding cleanup of the Site.

As needed, the CAG will develop and modify the objectives, tasks, and schedules for accomplishing its goals. Either the agencies or the CAG may propose additional goals.
The CAG serves as a forum for information-sharing and providing input by:
- Providing individual comments and suggestions to regulatory agencies;
- Developing specific action items for follow-up at later meetings; and
- Developing joint input and making recommendations as appropriate.
The CAG meets approximately once a month with the EPA. The CAG is not a decision-making or regulatory body and does not set policy or make decisions regarding project design and implementation. Meetings are open to the public, everyone is welcome to attend.